PO Box 13402
Wellington, New Zealand

GE-Free New Zealand

in food and environment (RAGE Inc.)

Media Live (Video & Audio)

National Interviews


17.03.2025 Gene Technology Bill debated Kathryn Ryan interviews Dr Jack Bobo and Claire Bleakley, president GE Free NZ. Gene Technology Bill on the permissive nature of the gene editing/genetic modification regulatory regime. RNZ nine-to -noon

05.03.2025 The Gene Technology Bill Health Select Committee Hearings , the committees held on full committee on the 5 and 26 March and split into an A&B subcommittee to hear all on the 10-17 March 


14.08.2024 TVNZ1 Breakfast interview with Jon Carapiet on Governments loosening the laws on genetically engineered research. starts minute 53.16.

16.08.2024 A POLITICAL AGENDA: Panel Discussion with Marty Gibson, Glenn Inwood and Claire Bleakley.  Breakfast Reality Check Radio 

08.07.2024 On the Government’s Plans To Deregulate Genetic Engineering And Its Likely Impact On Our Farmers. Paul Brennan talks to Claire Bleakley, Reality Check Radio (audio)

20.05.2024  Environment Select Committee hearing Fast Track Bill.  Claire Bleakley and Kara Vandeleur speak to the Fast Track Bill  (start 42.20 - 53.38 min) (video)

16.5.2024 Barbara Ntambirweki, speaking on behalf of the ETC Group to the CBD Alliance on the need for a refined methodology tailored to on gene drives that can address the unique risks of gene drive technologies.

12.03.2024 - What Do Consumers Want? Navigating GE Issues. Phillippa Jamieson from  Soil and Health talks with Jon Carapiet, Excellent information in this interview (video)

28.02.2024 - GM banana approval, gene drive wasps and ‘null segregants' -Paul Brennan discusses with Claire Bleakley the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and Australia Food Standards New Zealand (FSANZ) latest decisions. Reality Check Radio (audio)

27.02,2024 - GE Regulation And Scientific Doubt On GMO Safety - Paul Brennan talks with Professor Jack Heinemann, Professor And Director Of The Centre For Integrated Research In Biosafety on GMO safety doubt and regulation.

18.02.2024  Failure of Darling 58 American Chestnut Tree - Breaking Green Podcast with Steve Taylor interviews Anne Petermann and Donald Davis on the history of the GM American Chestnut

12.02.2024 - The hidden realms of genetically modified organisms. Dominic George interviews Professor Jack Heinemann, University of Canterbury talks to Dominic George clarifying and simply explaining GMOs, regulation and the dystopian field of gene editing. (Rex Rural Exchange)

 23.01.2024 Professor Jack Heinemann What are GM/GE organisms, and are they really changing because of new gene techniques? Soil and Health Association


02.11.2023  What Is Coming Down The PipelineClaire Bleakley President of GE Free New Zealand talks to Paul Brennan Reality Check Radio on the forecast for what is coming down the pipeline following the election results.

12.10.2023  GE Banana submission Dr Elvira Dommisse talks to Paul Brennan on the concerns of the FSANZ on the GE Bananas entering the food chain

04.10.2023  Kaipara District Council GMO provisions   Linda Grammer talks to Paul Brennan about the new Kaipara District Council GMO policy and the  future of GE/GMO regions. Reality Check Radio. 

20.09.2023 Breaking Green: The Fight for GE Free New Zealand Steve Taylor talks with Claire Bleakley, president of GE Free New Zealand about the push to drop the long cherished GE Free status and who is behind it. 

30.08.2023 Proposed Changes To GMO Regulations Elvira Dommisse Former Genetic Engineering Scientist talks to Paul Brennan  on the proposed changes To GMO regulations.  Reality Check Radio.

27.7.2023  On Who’s Saying What On GE Before The 2023 Election, Jon Carapiet talks with Paul Brennan Reality Check Radio.

21.7.2023 The importance of Regulation - Jon Carapiet talks to Andy Thompson, The Rural Roundup.

21.6.2023 Stop GE Trees delegation to Brazil  Claire Bleakley talks to Paul Brennan on GE Eucalyptus plantations and their effects on MST, Quilambola and indigenous people. 

13.6.2023 Do we need to "harness GMO" Jessica Hutchings, Te Waka Kai ora spokesperson talks to Dale Husband at Waatea News. 

12.6.2023 Push back Against National's Genetic Modification plans. Jon Carapiet talks with Corrin Dann, RNZ (Audio)

24.5.2023 The Dangers Of Unregulated Genetic Engineering. Jon Carapiet: Spokesperson For GE Free NZ talks to Paul Brennan. Reality Check Radio (Audio)


03.06.2022 Science on Gene Editing Sustainable Food Trust (UK) Patrick podcast interview with Dr. Michael Antoniou.

16.4.2022 Genetic modification review being called for, reigniting debate. Jon Carapiet talk to Cushla Norman TV1 News (Video)


1.12.2020 Presentation of Petition on Regulation of Gene Editing.  Eugenie Sage, Rodrigo Martinez, Claire Bleakley, Jon Muller and Alison White (Audio)

30.10.2020 Jon Carapiet talks on Gene Editing forum coverage Maja Burry talks with Dr. Jon Hickford and Jon Carapiet.  Rural News RNZ (Audio)

22.07.2020 Call for politicians to keep regulation on Gene Editing, Farmers Weekly, Sarah talk to Jon Carapiet on the importance of maintaining regulation on GMO's which includes gene editing.(Audio)


1.8.2019 GE Regulation In New Zealand Is Robust And Fit For Purpose. RNZ Midday Rural News, Eric Frickberg coverage raises the issue of debate on GE (starts 3 min) (audio)

19.07.2019  Northland Regional Council decision to exclude GMO's from its Regional Plan. RNZ Midday Rural News covers the issue. (audio)

3.07.2019 Gene editing technologies for New Zealand? RNZ Midday Rural News, Eric Frickberg outlines the discussions. (audio)

15.04.2019 Earthwise Environmental Programme.  Martin and Lois talk to Claire Bleakley of GE Free NZ. (audio)


29.7.18 GE rye Grass a costly miscalculation Newshub Hamish McKay, Sarah Perriam and Richard Loe interview Dr. Greg Bryan on Rural Exchange (video)

21.5.2018 Calls for Government to control importation of gene editing kits Interview with Jon Carapiet and Myra Nissen Radio live (audio)


15.5.2017 The Threat of GE trees in Chile. Lois and Martin Griffiths talk to Claire Bleakley, Earthwise Plains FM  

4.4.2017 Resource Amendment Bill and GE clauses -making a  GE Free Aotearoa (starts 2mins) Midday Rural News. National Radio (audio)

2.2.2017 AgResearch spending New Zealand taxpayer money on trials in the US. Midday Rural News RNZ. Alexa Cooke interviews Jon Carapiet. starts 3.00mins  (audio)


23.9.2016 GE free crop zone from Auckland to Cape Reinga. Midday Rurals News RNZ, starts @2.50mins. (audio)  

18.8.2016 Round Up report 'not thorough enough'   Alexa Cooke talks to Claire Bleakley, Morning Rural News, RNZ (audio)

24.7.2016 Should NZ say yes or no to GMO?  Graeme Hill interviews GE Free NZ and Professor Peter Dearden, Radio Live  

22.06.2016 GE Free NZ is supporting Councils plan change on GMO's  Jon Carapiet speaks to Rural News (Audio at 4minutes)

10.04.2016 This week in Parliament  - RNZ coverage of GE Free NZ submission to Select committee on RMA reforms, 10 mins in. (audio)

08.04.2016 The Day in Parliament - RNZ morning edition coverage of GE Free NZ submission to select committee on RMA reforms (audio)

15.02.2016 Federated Farmers reply to membership resignation and GMO issue.  Midday Rural News, RNZ. (Audio)

15.02.2016 Hawkes Bay Farmers express concerns over Fed Farmers sueing councils on GMO issue.  Morning Rural News, RNZ (Audio)  

10.02.2016 Farmers challenge GE ruling in High Court, Federated Farmers and GE-Free advocates in the High Court, RNZ Morning Report (Audio)


9.11.2015 Earthwise Lois Griffiths interviews Claire Bleakley, President of GE Free NZ on the GE Animal Report, Plains FM (Audio)

31.10.2015   The 14-16 years on the NZ GE debate. TV3, The Nation - looks at the GE issue facing NZ.(starting 36.40 to 53.12 of a 56 min) (Video)

23.10.2015 GE Free NZ says Ruakura experiments an expensive failure Guyon Espiner talk to Claire Bleakley about the GE Animal:the first fifteen years report

23.10.2015 Transgenic cow research branded a 'disaster' Guyon Espiner talks to Dr. David Wells in reply to the GE Animal report (Audio)

17.09.2015 Campaigners want pesticide banned after US takes it off market. Lois Williams investigates neonicotinoids in NZ. Radio NZ Morning Report (Audio)

15.09.2015 Hastings District council is the first official GM free food producing zone in NZ. Morning Report Jemma Bracky-Bush interviews John Bostock spokesperson Pure Hawke's Bay

17.06.2015 "Pressure to change to New Organisms Act" Kevin Ikon talks to Claire Bleakley (GE Free NZ)   and William Rolleston (Fed: Farmers) Radio NZ Midday Rural News, (3rd item)

16.06.2015 "Is it time to relax our stance on GMOs?" NZ Breakfast Show TV One (video)

15.06.2015 "NZ could be a powerhouse in animal genetics"- Govt under pressure to relax GM laws TV One lead item, (video)

12.02.2015 "Our future with GE and GMO's, and the NZ Food Matters Conference".  Tim Lynch interviews Jon Carapiet. (audio)


06.11.2014   "Freeze" petition prestented at Primary Production Committee". Benedict Collins talks to Jon Carapiet, Midday Rural News.

21.10.2014 Evidence Supports GE Moratorium, Not Fed. Farmers Push for GE-feed Peter Fowler talks to Jon Carapiet Morning Rural Radio NZ.

24.9.2014    "NZ trade deals could falter because some farmers are importing a GE product for animal feed", Earthwise, Martin and Lois Griffiths talks to Claire Bleakley, Earthwise Plains, FM 96.9

16.09.2014   Call for inquiry into cow-killing swedesPeter Fowler talks to GE Free spokesperson Jon Carapiet,Morning Rural Report, Radio NZ

29.8.2014 -   Dairy farmers and consumers at risk from unapproved DDG GE Grain, Jonathon Mitchell interviews Claire Bleakley, Morning Rural Report

15.8.2014 -   Ministers interference with the RMA around GE Free zones.  Lois Williams talks to Zelka Grammer from GE Free Northland Radio NZ Checkpoint.

30.5.2014 -   Steve Marsh Case, Kevin Ikin interviews Claire Bleakley, President of GE Free NZ Radio NZ Midday Rural News.

Parliamentary TV,   The Food Bill -second Reading,

           GREENS Steffan Browning reply to second reading (part 3) - supplementary paper.

           GREENS Steffan Browning reply to second reading(part 5) - supplementary paper.

29.03.2014 - Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement, Protesting the secret agreement TV3 News

04.03.2014 - GM-Free Australia Alliance: Sydney Forum 2014  · Full presentation (all speakers): Discussion on the merits of GM from Australian farmers, NZ, and Pacific New Caledonia.

26.02.2014-    Dan Parker Campbell Live, TV3.  
11.02.2014 - GMO decision 'sets precedent' Claire Bleakley speaks to Morning Rural News, National Radio, on the decision from the Environment Court allowing Councils to put in rules and policies around GMO's. ,

20.01.2014    Jon Carapiet speaks with Gary Farrow, regarding the potential import into New Zealand of soyabeans that have been sprayed with what is being called 'the suicide chemical' In response to GE-Free NZ press release.


28.12.2013 -  Jeffrey Smith on RoundUp / Glyphosate   Richard Dunwell interviews Jeffrey Smith in Queenstown   (video 5.12 mins)

10.12.2013 - Jon Carapiet talks to Student Radio 95bfm on the current GE issues under debate & unwarranted withdrawal of the Seralini paper on the impact of GE RoundUp corn in animals   (audio in two parts)

12.08.2013 - RMA - what are the hidden costs?   Gary Farrow from The Wire 95 bFM   interviews Claire Bleakley on the proposed changes to the RMA.

19.07.2013 - China Warning for New Zealand on GE food, Jon Carapiet talks to Kevin Ikon,   Radio NZ Midday Report, Rural News   (starts 4.39secs)

17.06.2013 - Sustainability Council appeal GMO decision by EPA, Radio New Zealand

25.05.2013 - March Against Monsanto TV 3 news   (comes in at 11.30)

25.05.2013 - New Zealanders join global movement against GM food One News with Georgina Ball.   TVNZ

 14/01/2013 - GE salmon making it to NZ?! Gary Farrow at 95BFM talks to Jon Carapiet, spokesperson for GE Free NZ, Excellent interview .


19/12/2012 - How is GE pesticide soy going to affect us - submission to FSANZ? Claire Bleakley, Paul Brent comments to Kevin Ikon, Miday Rural News Radio NZ

02/10/2012 - Relief for children allergic to milk - but there is a catch, Andrew on Radio Live interviews Dr Bolan and Claire Bleakley on the Daisy the cow breakthrough.

10/10/2012 - GE crops are increasing the levels of pesticides in our food.   GE Free NZ spokesperson Jon Carapiet talks to Kevin Icon, Miday Rural News Radio NZ, 

30/10/2012 - Calls for genetically modified foods to be blocked by Pacific states, Richard Ewert talk to Claire Chauvet (Stop GMO Noumea), Radio Australia,

24/10/2012 - GE drops off Northland Regional Council priorities list. Lois Williams talks to Zelka Grammar, Morning Report 

3/5/2012 - Scion decision to carry on with GE tree planting, Kevin Ikon report with Scion CEO, Midday Rural News, (5.57 mins in) Radio New Zealand 

27/4/2012 - New Zealanders eating genetically engineered foods.   Debbie Narona talks to Phillippa Jamieson and Dr. Rosin, Channel 9 TV

14/4/2012 - Revising the GE debate TVNZ Breakfast TV Saturday Morning   (Video)

13/4/2012 - Attack on Trees costly setback, TV1 News   (Video)

13/4/2012 - GM Modified pine trees destroyed in raid   TV3   (Video)

13/4/2012 - GE trees destroyed at Scion site Radio New Zealand   (Audio)

12/04/2012 - GE Critic ask MAF to block GE South African foods. Morning Report rural news

3/08/2012 - Australian farmer Bob Mackley is in New Zealand to warn farmers about the risks of GE crops. Radio New Zealand interviews Bob Mackley

8/03/2012-   Implications for farmers all over the World of US Courts allowing GE contamination. - Will Pollard interviews Jon Carapiet -95bFM. 

6/3/2012 - US Court decision on GE seed could affect NZ farmers through the Trans Pacific Partneship Agreement.- Midday Rural News Radio New Zealand - comment from Jon Carapiet -

1/2/2012 - Tribunal appeal on GE Corn and Soy -   Midday Rural News Radio New Zealand - comment from Claire Bleakley - (audio)


23/11/2011 - National Urged to disclose stance on GM labeling 07.57 - Morning Report Radio New Zealand - comment by The Sustainability Council (audio)

21.11.2011 - Interview with Jon Carapiet on secret HSNO changes - Morning Report Radio New Zealand (audio) 

5.7.2011 - Radio NZ Midday Rural News 5 July 2011 interview with Jon Carapiet and William Rolleston vice -  Chair of Federated Farmers.

GE conversations

28/2/2012 - Professor Giles Seralini (CRIIGEN) and Paul Brent (FSANZ) debate the GE food issue - Phillip Adams- Radio National Late Night Live -

Interview with Jon Carapiet with Asia DownUnder -GE Free food- Asian community views and an update from New Zealand (TV, 20 minutes)

Whats happening with GE in NZ - an update May 2011 PlanetFM - Interview with Jon Carapiet (Audio, 60 mins)

Claire Bleakley talks  to Vinnie Eastwood show on Genetic Engineering

10/12/2012 - Genetic Engineering in New Zealand, Nights with Brian Crump, Radio New Zealand

 02/09/2012 - GM food conference draws critics, TV3 News, 

12/09/2012- Jon Carapiet with a 'wake up call' on the implications of Genetic Engineering, Green Planet 104.6 FM.

The Conversations: GE Alfalfa Deepak Chopra Homebase, an excellent indepth  discussion with Deepak Chopra, Andrew Kimbrell and Debbie Barker of the Center for Food Safety, and Gary Hirshberg, founder and CEO of Stonyfield Farm.(1.07.00 minutes)

GE feed and Pig Farmers

2/12/2012 - Rancher Loses Livestock Due To GMO Corn- Jerry Rosman talks to Elizabeth Doughtery, Newstalk Florida, Audio

GE Cows Research

19/10/2012 - GE animal feed -Jon Carapiet talks to 95BFM, The Wire

3/10/2012 -  Low allergy milk produced from GM cow Jessica Strauss, Great Southern and South West WA Rural Report, ABC Rural, Australia.   (report 2/3 way through, very good report)

3/10/2012 - GE Free denounces Daisy the cow, Morning Report, National Radio,

Dr Elvira Dommisse discusses   the sudden  deaths of transgenic, Follicle stimulating hormone(FSH)  cows involved in a GM experiment

Morning Rural News report AgResearch and GE Free NZ comments on stopping cloning of GE cows, however still continuing GE cloning but with a different method.

GE resistant Weeds

9/09/2012 - Superweeds pose GM-resistant challenge for farmers Altered States, BBC 1 US farmers are using up to 24 times more RoundUp pesticide to control resistant weeds and looking to 2,4-D.

Midday Rural News 6th October 2011; Canola failure in Western Australia: Claire Bleakley comments on lastest GE canola performance  in Western Australia.   Follow on report from the Science Media Centre on the wilding of GE canola in the US.

Super weeds you can't control; an ABC news piece on  herbicide resistance weed in GM  soy and cotton crops in Arkansas

GE crop emerging problems

Is a new disease emerging in US GE crops?  - The Huber interviews.

GE DNA survival in humans -

Double Dipping Danger short video by Jeffery Smith on eating GE foods.